Affordable Filtration

We carry a wide range of products to suit a variety of budgets and tastes. Please call for more information on products, current promotions and custom options. Many options are available for any kind of water filtration you are looking for.

Water Softeners, Iron filters, as well as the Nelsen AIO Iron Filter, Neutralizers, Sanitizers, Backwashing Filters, Reverse Osmosis Systems, Drinking Water Systems, Arsenic systems, Sentry, Stenner and LMI chemical pumps. We sell and service manufactures like Fleck, Clack, American Standard, Knight, Autotrol, Watts, Hydrotech, Us water, all at prices the competition can not match. We also do media rebeds.

In 1946 Bill Clack and his father Willis Clack opened a small water softener exchange business in Madison, Wisconsin. Clack Soft Water eventually grew into a small Wisconsin dealer network featuring the Golden Seahorse brand. By 1960, Clack Soft Water had evolved into a manufacturing and distributing company serving independent OEM assemblers. During the 1960s, Clack designed and manufactured several brass control valves including the 609, which was a five-cycle, fully automatic valve, the only plastic part being the injector. Clack also improved corrosion resistance of raw steel tanks by using epoxy liners and over-painting enamel for use in manufacturing side mount filter and softener tanks.

Clack Corporation’s primary activity was distributing Ionac C249 resin, Erie control valves, Apex fiberglass mineral tanks, as well as manufacturing various components such as 369 Manumatic valves, brine valves, and iron removal medias such as BIRM®.
From 1969 through the mid 1970’s, Clack participated in a joint venture in Belgium with Erie Controls, with Clack responsible for manufacturing Apex-style mineral tanks. Because of the 1974 oil crisis, Clack began manufacturing blow molded brine tanks by 1975. Clack Corporation later formed a joint venture in Belgium with Structural Fibers, distributing Clack products as well as manufacturing Structural FRP tanks. Richard Clack joined the company on a full time basis in 1970, after graduating from the University of Wisconsin. Rich was responsible for the growth of the blow molding components division during the late 1970s, creating a complete line of brine tanks and specialized custom blow molding that included three production facilities. The complete line of manufactured brine tanks allowed Clack to consolidate components to OEMs in a very competitive package, reducing customer inventory and increasing their product turns. In the early 1980s, Clack started molding proprietary plastic water treatment components and assembling filter cartridges in Rogers, Arkansas. The 1980s included the learning curve conversions from brass parts to engineered plastics. Clack introduced the Microline RO system using a patented proprietary designed manifold plate that took advantage of previous plastic molding experiences. Rich became president and CEO of Clack on the passing of his father Bill in 1987. In the 1990s, Clack continued to grow plastic custom blow molding as well as greatly improving the distribution of water treatment components to customers worldwide. Because of industry consolidation and market conditions, Clack designed and introduced a completely new electronic 1 inch engineered plastic control valve in 2000, taking advantage of multiple customer focus groups and utilizing its past plastic molding knowledge of water treatment pressurized components. In the following nine years, Clack completed its line of residential and commercial control valves up to 3 inch service flow. Today Clack is one of a few family businesses that still claim that their manufactured products are “Made in USA”.